Dog Chow is a leading brand on the dry dog food. It is a big priority to generate awareness on the new flavor and “extra life” benefit on the product ingredients to overcome the barrier due the price increase since 2020 and it’s SOM loss participation. The recommendation campaign within the Insider’s went live on Feb 2022. Our Mexico community created detailed and helpful reviews through social listening.


The Dog Chow brand is committed with the dog’s health and it is providing nutrients & antioxidants. We were looking for dog owners to generate conversations on how to add value and life to the pets increasing 1.8 additional years of life on average. This is a unique benefit scientifically proven. This differentiated technology is contained in Dog Chow Portfolio and aims to provide extended life and health to your dog.


Our Recommendations campaign was launched on Jan 31st during 2022 on its recruitment phase in which we had more than 4000 hand raisers and carefully selected 3,325 people. Selection criteria was focused on dog owners despite the breed but clamed themselves as very responsible on decision making towards their dogs’ food. These owners are responsible also for seeking best nutrition ensuring health and wellbeing.


We developed an appealing experience for the dogs’ owners and pampering for their pets. Insiders received, Dog Chow dry food adequate for any breed size and “bandana” for their Dogs grooming (and branding throughout the campaign).
Insiders received a detailed information guide about the product so they could issue their recommendations based upon Dog Chow information.


After our 8-week campaign our UGC was 9% above the review objective and we obtained 4.8 stars/5 rating on the product performance. 91% of the Insiders thought Purina® Dog Chow® Extralife® was better than their former brand. More than 5,295 photos support it.
Product review / recommendations were average length at 68 words showing love for their pets.
With this campaign revealing insights were that: i) their dogs feel full for a longer time with the recommended amount of dry food indicated on the package; ii) they love the flavor, even picky dogs; iii) the quality-cost ratio is perfect; and iv) you can feed dogs of all sizes and ages.

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Google Pixel Watch

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Google Pixel Watch

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Starbucks Coffee

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Starbucks Coffee

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Bespoke Home Appliances is a high area of focus by Samsung. Samsung believes that customization is the future of home appliances and that Bespoke is the first step in this direction. Within hours of Samsung’s launch announcement, Insiders E-Commerce UGC campaign went live in USA for the Bespoke Refrigerators. Our USA community created detailed and helpful reviews on a key retailer site.

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Google Pixel Watch

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Google Pixel Watch

Within hours of Google’s launch announcement, Insiders E-Commerce UGC campaign went live in Australia for the Google Pixel Watch. Our Aussie community created detailed and helpful reviews on a key retailer site.

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Starbucks Coffee

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Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks introduced two varieties of plant-based coffee drinks in The Netherlands. The products were launched at the peak of the COVID-19 lockdowns making sampling almost impossible. Insiders Social Media UGC came up with an exciting solution that would boost up awareness and drive trial at the same time.

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